The Neptune Association

ERA group photos

ERA group photos

Larger or original versions can be viewed by clicking on some of the images below.

NZ ERA4's Group photo in 1940

Back Row: ERA William Newman,  ERA Snow Wolf

Front Row: ERA D'Arcy Heeney, ERA Noel McGee, ERA Alan McLeod

(Newman and Wolff left Neptune before she sank and survived. Heeney, McGee and McLeod were casualties)



ERA4th Class William Wright

The majority of the ERA photos in this section (as far as Besfield) are from William Wright's collection which he must have brought back to his family in April 1941 when Neptune was in Chatham and they all got some leave. It is a great tribute to his memory that he has left us with such an extensive archive of his ERA friends.



ERA 3rd Class Cyril Martin    ERA 4th Class William Wright    ERA 5th Class Roach

The photo shows the uniform differences - ERA3's were Chief Petty Officers, ERA4's were Petty Officers, ERA5's were Leading hands

Martin and Wright were casualties, Roach survived



ERA's Martin, Blackett, Anderson, Painter, Roach, Dowrich and Flowers


inscribed on the back

ERA's Martin, Blackett, Anderson, Painter, Roach, Dowrich and Flowers

Martin, Painter, and Flowers were casualties. The others survived.



ERA  Arnold Bradwell, ?, ?,  ERA Cyril Martin, ?,  ERA Roach, ERA Dowrich

 Bradwell and Martin were casualties



ERA 1st Class Arnold Bradwell,  ERA Tug Anderson?,   Chief ERA Tiger Flowers

 Bradwell and Flowers were casualties

inscribed on the back - Brad Tug Tiger

These were ERA 1st Class Arnold Bradwell, ERA Tug Anderson?, CERA Tiger Flowers



ERA Ronald Painter,  ERA Cyril Martin

both were casualties


ERA's Ronald Painter & Cyril Martin

 inscribed on the back



3+3 ERAs

none identified


Six ERAs

none identified but several were in previous photo



Three ERAs

 none identified


Four ERAs

none identified


ERA 3 Besfield left Neptune before she sank


inscribed on the back - Besfield ERA


Chief ERA Glanville in the centre with his fellow Engine Room team

can anyone recognise them?


map Kemp ch boiler spoiler


Mechanician Walter Thorne is seated on the right of this group of engineers (Chiefs and Petty Officers)

Does anyone recognise them?




  © 2002-2018 The Neptune Association, Registered Charity No 1103413.