HMS Neptune in 1941 |
from: John McGregor, 8 Dec 2007, 10:17 |
Hi Ian - Harry or Cliff Waterworth's photo was taken just pre-war at Simon's Town. Here is a photo of her in 1941 in her wartime camouflage - without the aircraft and fitted with tripod masts and additional anti-aircraft guns. She had such beautiful lines. For photos of the two brothers Harry and Cliff Waterworth see the Roll of Honour |
Pic of Neptune |
from: Ian Lewis, 4 Dec 2007, 21:37 |
Going thro' family photos found this picture of the Neptune. Harry & Cliff Waterworth, both lost, were my mother's cousins. Guess this was taken one or t'other was posted to the ship. |
 HMS Neptune, possibly at Gib
Gordon Haney |
from: John McGregor, 3 Dec 2007, 17:02 |
Dear Fiona Many thanks for making contact about your grandfather Gordon Haney - a survivor from HMS Kandahar and later HMS Badsworth. I have checked up on the Badsworth and she certainly had an exciting time but wasn't actually sunk. She was a Hunt class destroyer and in May 42 she rescued 53 crew from the merchant ship Jutland on a Russian convoy. In June 42 she struck a mine, was heavily damaged, and towed to Malta for repairs. In March 43 she struck another mine and got towed to Liverpool for repairs. She then was transferred to the Norwegian Navy. Your grandad did well to survive all that!
Gordon Haney, The Kandahar |
from: fiona kempsell, 22 Nov 2007, 13:54 |
Hello Elizabeth, My Grandad Gordon Haney, also from Cumbria was on the Kandahar,he was sunk on the Badsworth during the war and survived that too. I am not sure what rank he would have been then but he left the navy as a chief PO gunnery instructor, I am sure your Dad would have known him, if he does and has any memories I would love to hear further. Gordon left the navy and went on to the Admiralty police force, he retired and lived in Pembrokeshire with us until his death in 1988 |
Gunner James Lewis |
from: John McGregor, 21 Nov 2007, 15:29 |
Dear Elizabeth. It was good to hear from you from the USA and we have been in touch by email. I would love to speak to your father. His buddies Able Seamen Herbert Jude, Robert Towns, Maurice Forty and Leading Seaman Arther Burton sadly all died in the tragedy, presumably from their wounds. |
from: Elizabeth Lewis, 18 Nov 2007, 18:45 |
Neptune 1861 |
from: John McGregor, 18 Nov 2007, 07:55 |
This is the third message about HMS Neptune 1861. She was probably the Neptune in the photo attached - see my answers to Samuel Daniels on 3 Dec 06 and Alma James on 22 Jul 06. |
Great Great Grandfather |
from: John Andrews, 17 Nov 2007, 13:31 |
My great great grandfather served aboard HMS Neptune as a Ships Corporal. At the time of the 1861 census he was aboard Neptune anchard in Malta Harbour. I would be most grateful for any information as to the ship or its complement. |
Cigarette Case |
from: Michael Dreher, 17 Nov 2007, 05:42 |
Recently, I purchased a silver cigarette case from a dealer in England. On the front are the initials HLD (which by strange coincidence happen to be the same as my grandfather) and inside is the inscription "From Torpedomen, H.M.S. Neptune, June 1935." I'm wondering if anyone may know the name of the crewman or individual that this sentimental gift was given to? I've read the quite a bit about the Neptune on the Web but most deals with the tragedy of ship being sunk in 1941 and not the earlier years of the ship. As custodian of this piece of history, I'd like to know more about it's origin. My journey has already opened a door about the fate of the ship and it's crew and I'm humbled to have a special rememberance of the ship in my possession.
As an aside, I live in the State of Wyoming in the United States and my grandfather was an officer on Iwo Jima at the time of the invasion in 1945. I am a member of his veteran's association and appreciate all that organizations like yours does to keep the memory of soldiers and sailors who fought in WW II alive for younger generations like myself. Thank you.
Mike Dreher |
Able Seaman Allbert Pollard |
from: John McGregor, 16 Nov 2007, 06:57 |
Dear Isobel, How good to hear from you. Yes, Albert Pollard is one of the 764 Neptune casualties and is commemorated on the Plymouth Naval Memorial and also on the Neptune & Kandahar memorial at the National Arboretum in Staffordshire. I have sent an email asking for your address so I can send full details of our Association. Please send me copies of the photos of your grandfather as soon as you have scanned them. We are near the closing date for the next edition of MINEFIELD, the pictorial tribute to all those who died. So far we have nearly 300 photos of casualties and I am sure you wont want to miss out.
Able Seaman Albert Pollard |
from: Isobel Mary Pollard, 11 Nov 2007, 21:33 |
Hi there
Just been digging into some photos of my Grandad (Albert Pollard) which we treasured when my grandma died and have various ones of my grandad from the Neptune and in various places where they stopped. I will post them on here once my scanner is fixed, but I just wanted to make some contact. If anyone has any info on my Grandad it would be great to make contact. I'm hoping to go over the seas at some point very soon and it would be great to hear from people who have made that precious journey.
Isobel Pollard |
Message from graham broughton |
16 Oct 2007, 05:59 |
Hello John, what a great feeling I got when I saw your photo of Just Nuisance and never thought he would be such a size.He must have been well loved by the sailors and greatly missed when he was killed.I dont know what happened to my photos of my dad and his brothers so I will try and put them on again.I would love to know if anyone else has photos that my dad might be on. His name by the way was HORACE JACK BROUGHTON. Thanks once again and keep up the good work Graham Broughton. |
Leading Seaman William Pritchard |
from: John McGregor, 15 Oct 2007, 10:28 |
Hi Susan. I heard the harrowing tale of how your mother was born without William knowing he had a daughter and that all the photos were destroyed when your grandparents house received a direct hit by a bomb. It is always just possible that a group photo will be sent which shows your grandfather. One was sent from New Zealand showing 10 sailors all of whom became casualties but William wasn't amongst them (see Forum 29 Aug). Please send your address and I will send the details of the Neptune Association.
photo of my grandad |
from: susan foster, 4 Oct 2007, 18:17 |
i was wondering if any one as got any info or photos of my grandad william frederick pritchard able seaman my mum as never seen a picture of him so could you please help if possible many thanks susan |
Chief Stoker William Hall |
from: John McGregor, 2 Oct 2007, 11:00 |
Yes, Chief Stoker William Hall was a casualty in HMS Neptune and it is great to hear from yet another relative of a Neptune casualty. So far we have heard from relatives of over 300 of the 836 men who died in the two ships Neptune and Kandahar. The detail I have for your uncle is that he was the son of Mr and Mrs George John Hall and husband of Henrietta Hall of Camberwell. Did they have children? Please send me your postal address (and tel no) and I will be glad to send you details of the Neptune Association.
from: JENI MATTOCK, 29 Aug 2007, 11:09 |
AB Harold Broughton |
from: John McGregor, 29 Aug 2007, 06:39 |
Hi Graham Thanks for your messages (6 and 29 Aug) and yes your Dad was lucky indeed to have narrowly missed the Neptune tragedy. The story of the dog at Simonstown was true. He was a Graet Dane named 'Able Seaman Just Nuisance' who lived in the docks and slept in the sailor's messdeck - choosing anyone's bunk for the night. He became so loved that a book was written about him and a plaque erected in his memory when killed by a truck in 1944. |
Able Seaman Stanley Kingdon RNZN |
from: John McGregor, 29 Aug 2007, 06:22 |
A wonderful photo of 10 Neptune sailors has been sent from Christchurch New Zealand by Peter Goldsmith (Kingdon's nephew) who found it when clearing his father's attic. It is such a valuable photo as it has the names written on the back as follows: Back Row: Able Seaman Abel Keefe from Newfoundland (the only Newfie on board) Able Seaman Frederick Windsor RN Able Seaman George Dennison - New Zealand Navy Able Seaman Joc Smith RN - the only one may have survived Able Seaman Stanley Kingdon - New Zealand Navy Boy Seaman Edgar Holden RN aged 17 Front Row: Able Seaman Ross Buckley - New Zealand Navy Able Seaman Cecil Wood - New Zealand Navy Leading Seaman Reginald Turley RN - buried in Tripoli - we visted his grave on April 26th. Able Seaman Frank Calder South African Navy Recently we have been busy checking out the photos of 276 casualties so far received, as we are soon going to print with the second edtion of Mediterranean Minefield, the photographic tribute to those who died. We didn't have photos of Kingdon, Keefe, Windsor, Buckley or Wood; So the receipt of the photo means we have another five for the book.
The only one not on the casualty list is Able Seaman 'Joc' Smith from Scotland (3rd from right). If any relative can recognise him please make contact. There were six Smiths on the casualty list including two Seamen but both families say it isn't him. |
graham broughton |
from: graham broughton, 29 Aug 2007, 03:21 |
Some photos of my dad HORACE JACK BROUGHTON IN UNIFORM WITH Neptune cap and my elder brother when he was a baby. Also his two brothers Dennis and Sidney who were on other ships. and my only photo of Neptune which has seen better days. Luckily they all survived the war and as I said earlier dad was within one day of the sinking. |
Chief Stoker, William A Hall a.k.a Bill |
from: Daniel Foard, 26 Aug 2007, 23:10 |
Hi iwas wondering if any of you out there would have a photo of my late great uncle Bill. He was the chief stoker on board Neptune and from what i can remember of what my late aunt told me about him he was very proud of the fact too.I found his name on the Plymouth Hoe memorial when i was about seven years old( im now 31)and we still have the original letter from the king and a large book about the british navy that my brother has with more than a passing mention about the Neptune.If anyone does have anything or even some remeniscence about him i would be pleased to hear from them,thanks hope someone can help.
Dan |
Wireman Wilfred Gailes DMX74318 |
from: John McGregor, 10 Aug 2007, 18:54 |
Hi Andy Thanks for the photo from the Plymouth Hoe memorial showing the Wiremen killed in 1941. Of the names shown, Duffy, Gailes, Gray, Holyhome, Hunter, Jones, Ovenstone and Statham were all in Neptune's crew. The families of Edwin Gray and Harry Jones have been in touch but if anyone has photos of the others please make contact. Once when I was there flowers had been placed for Sydney Statham. |
Gailes, Wilfred - Wireman DMX74318 |
from: Andy 'Windy' Gailes, 8 Aug 2007, 17:59 |
Hi John, Yes, Dipton is only a few miles from where I live. My family have lived in the area for about 170 years as far as I can tell. Just been on holiday, and visited the Plymouth Naval Memorial on the Hoe and looked up his name (photo included). Strange to think I'd been living there for 5 years and didn't know anything about it.
If I find a photo I will pass it on.
Andy |
 Plymouth Naval Memorial
my dad |
from: graham broughton, 6 Aug 2007, 14:00 |
My dad was serving on the Neptune and as I remember it he was transfered off for "special duties" the day before she sailed into the minefield off Tripoli. I know that he was training or connected with radar and wireless and he said it was for training. My dad was very much like Delboys grandad as he loved the navy and bored us crazy with his stories (not realy but we heard them many times and would laugh with my mother saying ,"hes off again"). In his last year or so he tried to research the Neptune and as far as I know he discovered that the only survivor also lived in Leeds about two miles away but I dont think they ever met.My father was called Horace Jack Broughton and I would love to see any photos maybe with him on. Incidently the day he died I had to check his body and when I came down to the living room a great crash had me jumping out of my skin and I was surprised to see a painting of a galleon (maybe the old Neptune) fell off the wall. He talked about SIMONS TOWN and I believe he loved it there and told me tales about a dog who lived on the docks that looked after drunken sailors and the dog would lead them back to their ships without fail. Dad said that the dog was called able seaman Nelson and was run over by a car but that a plaque was errected in his name is this true because my dad never told lies about his navy life but maybe my memory is shaky as I was young when he told me this.One other thing I remember was that as my father had two brothers in the navy and they were all on different ships but one day the ships coincided in the same port and they were allowed a reunion. |
Musician Dave Dick Royal Marines |
from: John McGregor, 6 Aug 2007, 07:09 |
Hi David We have been in touch before and many thanks for the photo of your uncle after whom you were named. The photo is just in time for the second edition of minefield due to be published this autumn. Please would other relatives who have photos send them to me urgently. |
Musician David Dick |
from: David Dick Cranham, 24 Jul 2007, 08:49 |
This is a photograph of My uncle Musician Dave Dick whom i am named after who perished on HMS Neptune in 1941 |
 Musician David Dick
Wilfred Gailes - Wireman |
from: John McGregor, 23 Jul 2007, 08:19 |
Hi Andy Yes Wireman Wilfred Gailes was a Neptune casualty. I think Wireman would now be called a Radio Mechanic - similar to you - it must be in the genes! The only info I have is that he died aged 21, the son of Edward and Mary Hannah Gailes of Dipton Co Durham. Is that where you live? If you find a photo please send it for inclusion in the next edition of MINEFIELD. |
Gailes, Wilfred - Wireman DMX74318 |
from: Andy Gailes, 19 Jul 2007, 22:12 |
Wilfred was my Great-Grandfathers Grand-Nephew (Brothers Grandson). Just been doing some family history stuff and discovered his name in the CWGC website, and after a bit of digging, discovered his story. I am ex Royal Navy myself - Able Seaman (Radar) - and feel rather proud that he served too, and that I was not the only one in my family tree to do so. I would be grateful of any more info, photos or anything like that.
Andy (Windy) Gailes |
Shipwright Herbert Dornom |
from: John McGregor, 19 Jul 2007, 08:29 |
Hello Jeni. Yes Shipwright Herbert Dorman was a Neptune casualty. There were about 8 Shipwrights on board and we have now heard from relatives of 4 of them. The only info I have is that he was the son of Sidney and Mabel Dornom and husband of Agnes Joyce Dornom of Salcombe Devon. Did they have children? |
herbert easton dornom |
from: jenimattock, 16 Jul 2007, 13:12 |
hi neptune guys just wondering does anyone have a photo or details of herbert easton dornom shipwright 4th class no d/smx214, id love to hear from any one as he was the great grandson of a series of master mariners and part of my family tree. many thanks jeni mattock |
Marine Ronald Young |
from: John McGregor, 16 Jul 2007, 08:53 |
Hi Ronald. The only group photo of 15 Royal Marines sent to me, was taken on 17 August 1941 - I posted it on this Forum page - see entry for 1st October 2006. You are obviously named after him. I recently sent you details of the Neptune Association. |
Young, Ronald J, Marine |
from: Ronald Young, 14 Jul 2007, 16:41 |
Hello, i was wondering if anybody knew anymore information on Young, Ronald J, Marine, i would love to see a photo of him, and any other information would be much appriciated.
Once Again, Thankyou. |
W.J. Raindle - Marine |
from: John McGregor, 8 Jul 2007, 10:12 |
Yes Marine William Raindle aged 21 of Thatham, Berkshire is on the list of Neptune casualties which includes 72 Royal Marines. I will be in touch by e-mail with more details. |
W.J. Raindle - Marine |
from: Paul Raindle, 5 Jul 2007, 13:03 |
I wonder if you/anybody can help me with information relating to Marine W.J. Raindle - service # PLY/X 3753 and part of the 381 Kings Squad Royal Marines.
Hope you can help?
Thank you in advance
Marine Ronald Young |
from: John McGregor, 4 Jul 2007, 10:19 |
Yes Marine Ronald Young aged 19 of Lumsden, Aberdeenshire is on the list of Neptune casualties which included 72 Royal Marines. We have already been contacted by another relative of Ronald (his nephew Ronald Young) but every contact is important to us. I will be in touch by e-mail with more details. |
ronald james young marine |
from: IRENE YOUNG, 19 Jun 2007, 16:40 |
Able Seaman John Smith |
from: John McGregor, 17 Jun 2007, 16:38 |
This photo taken in 1941 was sent by the son of John Smith who left Neptune not long before she sank and always felt guilty that he hadn't been with his mates when they died. If anyone recognises any of his fellow seamen please let me know. |
Alf Jenkins |
from: John McGregor, 17 Jun 2007, 16:30 |
Hi Dean Yes Alf's photo will go on the roll of honour but we depend on when Jim Evoy has the chance to add it. I am attaching a great photo sent by the sister of fellow New Zealander Henry Walpole. It shows a NZ bunch on their way to England to join Neptune and if anyone can identify theor relative please let me know. |
 Stores Assistant Henry Walpole with fellow NZ's and kangaroos
Warrant Officer Mechanician Moses Evans |
from: John McGreogr, 17 Jun 2007, 16:22 |
Dear David We have been in touch by e-mail and previously I heard about Moses from your aunt Mary Adams. I have already sent the two photos of Moses to Adrian Fewins for the next edition of Minefield expected this autumn. The photos aren't very clear but he looks an impressive man. |
.jpg) Moses Evans
Warrant Mechanician Moses Evans |
from: David Bird, 13 Jun 2007, 20:16 |
My grandfather was Moses William Evans, who was a Warrant Mechanician on board HMS Neptune when it sank off Tripoli. He was 38 years old and left behind a widow (my Nan), Lilian, and his two daughters, Mary and Madge (my Mum). My Nan died in 2002. She never re-married and kept photographs of Moses on her wall until she died. Moses Evans was the Royal Navy boxing champion and his trophies were pride of place on my Nan's mantlepiece. I am attaching a couple of photographs of Moses Evans, which I hope you will be able to include in the next edition of the book. Thanks for all the information on the website. David Bird Emsworth, Hampshire. |
.bmp) Moses Evans on board ship
Alf (Wally) Jenkins |
from: Dean Smith, 7 Jun 2007, 08:33 |
G'day John, I was wondering if there were any other pictures of Neptune around at all apart from those on the website and where I could access them. Also I hope the photo I sent of Alf was ok and look forward to seeing it in the next edition of Minefield. Would it be possible to include his photo in the Roll Of Honour page too?
Cheers Dean Smith |
Petty Officer Cyril Mortimer |
from: John McGregor, 31 May 2007, 05:02 |
Dear Penny It was very good to hear from you. I have looked up your uncle on the Commonwealth Wargraves printout and yes he was a Neptune casualty. I am always really pleased to hear from relatives of every Neptune casualty. Somehow it makes their sacrifice more bearable in that they are still remembered 66 years after they died. How desperately sad that your father was in Penelope and saw his brother's ship sunk. I will be in touch by e-mail with details of the Neptune Association.
HMS Neptune- Cyril A Mortimore |
from: Penny Tomalin (nee Mortimore), 28 May 2007, 19:35 |
Cyril Anstey Mortimore was my uncle. I knew that he lost his life whilst serving in the Royal Navy in the Med. but I didn't know the ship. I found his name on a memorial on Plymouth Hoe some years ago, but didn't make the link. It is only now, having found your website, that I have found him.
Other than his name in the roll of honour, I haven't found any other mention of him on your site. Do you have a photo of him? Or does anyone else viewing this forum have any information about him?
My father (Cyril's brother), Eric Mortimore, also served in the Navy during WW2. Family history suggests that he served on HMS Penelope and saw his brother's ship go down. Also, that I am named after the boat(!) My father never spoke of his wartime experiences and sadly, died in 1999, so I can't ask him. Any info. about this would also be appreciated.
Thank you for your time, Penny. |
Able Seaman Ivo Palmer |
from: John McGregor, 28 May 2007, 16:18 |
Dear Gill It was very good to hear from you. I have looked up your uncle on the Commonwealth Wargraves printout and yes he was a Neptune casualty. It shows him as aged 27 and the husband of Gladys Palmer of Sittingbourne, Kent. I am always really pleased to hear from relatives of every Neptune casualty. I will be in touch by e-mail with details of the Neptune Association. |
Able Seaman Ivo Palmer |
from: Gill West, 28 May 2007, 14:50 |
Ivo Palmer from Sittingbourne in Kent was my Mother's brother and was lost in 1941 following the sinking of HMS Neptune.If anyone has any information or knowledge of him please get in touch. Thank you. |
William Bailey |
from: John McGregor, 27 May 2007, 23:08 |
Dear Lynn I am afraid I haven't many details about ships named HMS Neptune before the fourth of that name which fought at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Your ancestor's ship could have been the second Neptune, built at Portsmouth in 1756 and later awarded battle honours for the capture of Quebec as the flagship of Vice Admiral Saunders, but the Transporter could equally have been the third Neptune. |
hms neptune history |
from: mrs lynn maidment, 27 May 2007, 15:24 |
hi, is there a record of a William Bailey on the neptune as a transportee, around 1788-1792. he was born in aldenham, hertfordshire, england in 1748. any details at all would be great. |
Able seaman Ronald William DALE |
from: John McGregor, 26 May 2007, 14:12 |
Dear Mike All I know is that he wasn't a casualty in December 1941 - presumably you knew that. As a direct descendant you can write for his service record to: 2nd Sea Lord's Department, DPNS(N) 2, Building 1/152,HM Naval Base Portsmouth, PO1 3PX |
Able seaman Ronald William DALE |
from: Mike williams, 22 May 2007, 17:02 |
Hi, Can any one help ?I am very DESPERATE to find as much information and a photograph of my grand father who served on HMS Neptune. He is able seaman Ronald William DALE,number CJX918590. I would be very grateful for any information. Thank You regards,
Mike |
Francis Desmond and Charles Edward Thorp |
from: John McGregor, 21 May 2007, 14:55 |
Two other relatives (Kevin Johnson, and Celeste Watt) have made contact about the Thorp brothers who both died in Neptune. Desmond transferred to Neptune to join his brother in July 1941 when the ship passed through Capetown. I will send you an e-mail with their addresses. |
Message from Gordon Charles Watt |
16 May 2007, 21:02 |
Hi Kevin,
I read your message about Francis Desmond and Charles Edward Thorp. I am also related to them. Please provide me an e-mail address so we can talk.
Gordon C. Watt, Coral Gables, FL Francis Desmond and Charles Edward Thorp from: Kevin D E Johnson, 20 Jul 2005, 15:46 Both my uncles, Francis Desmond Thorp and Charles Edward Thorp from South Africa were missing, presumed dead, when Neptune was sunk in 1941.
I should be very grateful to hear from anyone who knew or knew of them.
Thank you very much
Kevin Johnson
Able Seaman James Lockie |
from: John McGregor, 14 May 2007, 20:07 |
Dear James It was very good to hear from you. I have looked up your uncle on the Commonwealth Wargraves printout and yes he was a Neptune casualty. I am always really pleased to hear from relatives of every Neptune casualty. Somehow it makes their sacrifice more bearable in that they are still remembered 66 years after they died. I haven't any particular information on James other than he was the son of James and Janet Lockie of Springburn Glasgow. I will contact you by e-mail. |
Able Seaman James Lockie |
from: James Lockie Atkinson, 7 May 2007, 23:57 |
My uncle and mother's brother, for whom I was named, was a member of the crew of the Neptune when it was sunk in 1941. If anyone has any photos or mention of him in their records please contact me - my mum turns 85 this year and any information on her brother would be hugely important to her. Many thanks for keeping the memory of those lost alive on this website. |
Able Seaman Abel Keefe |
from: John McGregor, 7 May 2007, 05:17 |
Dear Suzanne It was very good to hear from you. Yes Abel was a Neptune casualty - that is how he is spelt on the Commonwealth Wargraves printout. I didn't realise he was a Canadian from Newfoundland. I am always really pleased to hear from relatives of every Neptune casualty. Somehow it makes their sacrifice more bearable in that they are still remembered 66 years after they died. I will contact you by e-mail with further details. |
Abel Keefe |
from: Roderic Dunnett, 5 May 2007, 12:11 |
I expect you are aware of the enquiries about Abel Keefe and Isaac Keefe, both posted on the International Veterans Rendezvous at www.fortressweymouth.co.uk/navy1.htm by Donna Keefe (donnakeefe688@hotmail.com)
Able Seaman Able Keefe |
from: Suzanne KeefeByrne, 23 Apr 2007, 02:41 |
Hi I am looking for any information anyone may have about my uncle Able Keefe who died on the Neptune. He was born in what was then called Burnt Cove Newfoundland, then part of Great Britian now Canada. Any and all information would be greatly appreciated |
Stoker 2nd Class Eric Sanders |
from: John McGregor, 23 Apr 2007, 01:42 |
Dear Sam It was very good to hear from you. Yes Eric was a Neptune casualty. According to the Commonwealth Wargraves printout he was aged just 18, the son of Joseph and Edith Sanders of Grimsby. I am always really pleased to hear from relatives of every Neptune casualty. I will contact you by e-mail with further details. |
from: SAM, 21 Apr 2007, 00:25 |
Able Seaman Eric Haines |
from: John McGregor, 20 Apr 2007, 19:06 |
Dear Sharon Many thanks for the great photo of your uncle Eric Haines. I am glad to say that on April 25th a flower was cast for Eric over the site of Neptune's wreck. |
Able Seaman Eric Haines |
from: Sharon Milne, 15 Apr 2007, 18:55 |
Have only recently found the Neptune Association website and wish to submit a photo of Able Seaman Eric Haines from South Africa. As confirmed he was the eldest son of George and Martha Haines of Simonstown, Cape Town. He was one of 8 children of which two are alive and residing in Cape Town. A big thank you to the association for all the hard, dedicated work being done and wish you well on your trip to Malta on the 21 April. Our hearts are with you. |
Petty Officer Stoker George Kenworthy |
from: John McGregor, 5 Apr 2007, 06:46 |
Dear Kieran Thanks for the great photo of your great grandfather George Kenworthy. The photo has been published in both Neptune's Legacy and Minefield - first submitted by your grandfather David Kenworthy. |
from: Kieran Kenworthy, 20 Mar 2007, 15:08 |
Hi people i am George.e kenworthys great grandson and i would like to have any more pics or info or even diarys he may have written in the past. Please i am begging you anyone out ther who knew him then please please please contackt me im crying here! ;( |
Alfred (Wally) Jenkins A1808 Signalman |
from: Dean Smith, 9 Mar 2007, 07:51 |
To Laurence Milton, G'day Laurence it's great to see some more NZ relatives getting in touch via the website it's a long shot I know but given the amount of Kiwis on board I don't suppose your Dad remembers my relative Alf Jenkins from Auckland at all? I have recently joined the association and sent of a picture of Alf to be published in the latest editition of Minefield. Regards Dean Smith. |
Lucky Break |
from: Laurence Milton, 9 Mar 2007, 03:00 |
My father served on HMS NEPTUNE and was posted off only weeks before the sinking. When advised of his posting which was to do the delivery voyage of a minesweeper to New Zealand (HMNZS TUI) he put in an official request to see the Captain. This was granted and he asked the Captain for the posting to be cancelled as he wanted to stay on board Neptune. This request was declined.
Dad says he will always remember what Captain O'Connor said to him which was along the lines that the navy needed special men with the right attitude for small ship service and he had selected my father along with others for this reason. He would not change that decision, he then said that they don't know what is ahead and that it could well be that Dad would see home before anyone on the Neptune.
My father will be celebrating his 90th birthday next month. |
from: John Mcgregor, 8 Mar 2007, 12:23 |
Dear Carys. Presumably your father was one of those who survived the sinking of Kandahar by swimming to HMS Jaguar. What was his job on board? I have a photo of the whole Kandahar crew which I will send you by e-mail. |
from: CARYS FURMSTON ne MARSHALL, 4 Mar 2007, 13:45 |
My late father was on the Kandahar in that action his name was Alf Marshall he came from the forrest of dean does any one remember him |
Gunner Tom Royle |
from: John Mcgregor, 3 Mar 2007, 12:13 |
Your Dad's ditty box must be a wonderful treasure trove of information. If I remember correctly members of the Royle family were at the Dedication of our Memorial in July 2005 and brought the ditty box along, but I didn't have time on that very busy day to see its contents. What would be most valuable to our Association would be any photos of his friends who died in Neptune. When did he leave the ship? We also need a photo of Tom for the next issue of MINEFIELD - closing date for material is July 2005. |
Alf jenkins |
from: Dean Smith, 24 Feb 2007, 09:05 |
G'day Sue, It was great to read your email on the forum page I am researching my relative Alfred Jenkins who was an NZ sailor lost when Neptune sank. I'd be really interested to see a copy of the diary entries you had. Feel free to drop me a line at deanandaj@xtra.co.nz
Cheers Dean Smith |
H.M.S. Neptune. |
from: Liam Royle, 24 Feb 2007, 01:39 |
Hiya, I have my Dad's 'ditty box' which holds all memorabilia from aspects of his working life. A major part of his life was spent at sea during the second world war, when, before serving on destroyers escorting merchantmen to the Soviet Union, he served aboard H.M.S. Neptune. There are many photographs, some taken off the coast of Africa, some from times spent in the Far East, with names and dates attached. If you could possibly use these 'records' to help put names to faces, for the many people from around the world that visit your site, please don't hesitate to contact me. Love and Best Wishes, Comerades All. Liam Royle. |
Henry Bayley - Air Armaments |
from: John Mcgregor, 23 Feb 2007, 11:57 |
Thanks for your message. Your Grandad was indeed lucky to have left Neptune just three weeks before she sank. I have been in touch with Henry who has been a valued member of the Association for the last 4 years. He has pruchased the three books we have produced about the Neptune tragedy (see BOOKS page) |
Harry Bayley |
from: Carolyn Bayley, 12 Feb 2007, 13:18 |
Our Grandad is Harry Bayley, he was part of the Crew but had been sent off the ship to obtain parts - he was lucky enough to not have been on board when the Ship was sunk.
He is 85 years old today and is researching the history of this period.
Thanks for the information on your site which I am sure he will be interested to see.
My Fathers War Diary |
from: Sue Twyman, 7 Feb 2007, 11:31 |
Hello from New Zealand, I have found a war diary written by my father who was in the Royal Navy in WW2. The diary was written while he was seving on HMS Aurora as part of Force K I believe.His ship was mined the same night Neptune was sunk, but they managed to limp back to Malta. There is a small entry in the diary which I can copy out for you if you would like it? Regards from Sue Twyman |
Alf Jenkins A1808 |
from: Dean Smith, 24 Jan 2007, 06:35 |
Thanks Shane I have fired off an email to you it's great to contact someone in NZ with ties to Neptune all the best with meeting Reg Rushton hope he has some great pictures for you.
Leading Seaman Revell Brownie |
from: Shane Brownie, 23 Jan 2007, 20:03 |
Many thanks John for posting up this picture (Nov 4th) of Revell Brownie onboard HMS Neptune. This was indeed one of those remarkable coincidences that the internet is so good at doing! Thanks also for putting me in touch with Revell Brownie's best mate onboard Neptune, Reg Rushton. I have talked with Reg on the phone a number of times and his long term memory of times onboard Neptune and in the war remarkably clear. He has had eye operation problems of late, but we are hoping to meet up at the Arboretum in January to each lay a wreath at the Neptune memorial. He will also be bringing his photo album of his times onboard, and I hope to be able to record an interview with him about his memories of my lost relative Revell. Also as a wonder of the internet I managed to track down Revell Brownie's nephew and namesake in Australia. He was named after Revell in memory of his uncle. Revell had never seen the picture of his uncle provided by Reg, and also provided another couple of pictures of him which I would appreciate if you could post on your site. The first one is a little blurry, but I'm guessing was taken onboard HMS Neptune. Can anyone confirm that for me? Also, I would appreciate it if anyone could identify the mate he is with? I will get back in touch following my meeting with Reg in January to let you know how we got on. For Dean Smith, many thanks for the information about the old sound recordings. That must be amazing hearing your relative from all those years ago. I have enquired about getting a copy. I would be happy to pass on your email and contact information to Reg. My email address is shane@muttonbird.com |
Able Seaman Eric Haines |
from: John McGregor, 23 Jan 2007, 07:42 |
Dear Trevor Thanks for making contact and yes Able Seaman Eric Haines of the South African Naval Forces was one of the 37 from South Africa to die in the Neptune tragedy - their largest loss of life in any naval incident in WW2. Eric aged 29 was the son of George and Martha Haines of Simonstown. I will be in contact with further details by e-mail. |
Haines, Eric G., Able Seaman |
from: Trevor Haines, 15 Jan 2007, 12:42 |
According to my father, Eric(brother) was the eldest of six boys and a girl, and joined the ship when it sailed from Simonstown. My father was then six years old. Eric was Simonstown's first trafic policeman. He was chef at Simonstown Naval Hospital. They learned of Neptune's fate on a shortwave radio(German station) and were only advised officially by letter two weeks later. The anguish! My father, Mark Allan Charles Haines is the last surviving. Unfortunately, no photo's or letters (of which he wrote a few)exist.
Trevor Haines Cape Town |
Marine Frank Green |
from: John McGregor, 15 Jan 2007, 11:43 |
Hi Dave It is good to hear from you and Yes Frank Green is amongst the 764 Neptune casualties. The record says he was 24 years old, the son of William Eason Green and Alice Green of Sheffield. Not many photos exist of the Neptune crew except those of individuals sent in by family members. I will be in touch by e-mail. |
Frank Green |
from: Dave Pincher, 14 Jan 2007, 22:28 |
I hope you can help?
I am trying to put together a family tree and i need any available information for Frank Green who was lost onboard the HMS Neptune when it whent down in WWII. Frank was my Grandmothers Brother and little is known about him as he never married and was lost during the war. Any information would be valuable but a picture would be fantastic.
I eagerley await any responce.
Dave Pincher E-mail: davepincher@btinternet.com |
Hutchings,Hubert R., Leading Cook |
from: John McGregor, 8 Jan 2007, 15:24 |
Dear Roger - What a lovely story and I'm so glad your mother is pleased to have the photo of her great day again. The photo is included in the weddings section of the book MINEFIELD which you can purchase from the books section of this website. It was sent by a nephew David Billing who lives in Somerset. I will contact you by e-mail with his full address. |
Hutchings,Hubert R., Leading Cook (S) |
from: R.J. Northcote, 5 Jan 2007, 11:52 |
My Mother's first husband Hubert R. Hutchings was posted missing on H.M.S. Neptune and I was amazed when accessing the Roll of Honour that there was a photograph of my Mother and Hubert on their wedding day. I phoned my mother who is now 85 and she was delighted to hear that there was a photo of their great day. She had "lost" her photos in deference to my father when she re-married again in 1947.
Thankyou R.J. Northcote. |
Boy 1st Class William G M Paver |
from: John McGregor, 2 Jan 2007, 10:53 |
Yes William Morris Paver aged 17 was one of the Neptune casualties and I'm so glad you found our website. He was one of the 71 sailors on board aged between 15 and 18. I will be in contact with further details by e-mail. Do please find that photo so we can include it in the next issue of MINEFIELD this autumn. |