| These pages are dedicated to those who died on HMS Neptune and HMS Kandahar on 19th December 1941.
Put the surname of the casualty in the search box for quick access to all those with that name. The search box can also be used to list all casualties under headings such as New Zealand, Marines, Kandahar, South Africa or Australia. This also works in a search by age ie Age 17 or age 44 to determine the age spread of the casualties, or to see who else came from a home town like Tooting or Dunedin.
Official Admiralty casualty list. HMS Neptune. Sunk 19/12/1941.
Officers missing presumed killed.
| Captain Rory Chambers O'Conor RN (in command) | | |
Commander P.A.Berry RN. | | |
Commander (E) A. Holt RN. | | |
Surgeon Commander T.C. Larkworthy RNVR (Acting). | | |
Paymaster Commander J.H. McGregor RN (Acting). | | |
Chaplain The Rev. T. Harris RN. | | |
Captain N.L. W. Millar Royal Marines (Acting). | | |
Lieutenant P.C.R. Arbuthnot RN. | | |
Lieutenant DJ. Bullimore RNVR (South Africa) (Acting). | | |
Lieutenant R. T. Coulton RNVR (Temporary). | | |
Lieutenant D.C. Cunningham RN. | | |
Surgeon Lieutenant C. Fraser RNVR (Temporary). | | |
Lieutenant (E) G.E.A. Freeland RN. | | |
Lieutenant H.D. Hartnoll DSC Royal Marines. | | |
Lieutenant A.B. Hill RNVR. | | |
Lieutenant (E) F.A.V.Jackson RN. (no photo) | | |
Lieutenant (E) J.M. Knowles RN. | | |
Paymaster Lieutenant M.B.H. Marshall RNVR (Temporary). | | |
Lieutenant the Hon. John North (Baron North) RN. | | |
Instructor Lieutenant W.H. Osborne RN (Temporary). | | |
Surgeon Lieutenant E.B. Riding RNVR (Temporary). | | |
Lieutenant (E) I.B. Tetley RN (Temporary). | | |
Paymaster Lieutenant B.M. Thomson RNZNVR | | |
Lieutenant D.J. Wilson RNVR. | | |
Lieutenant F.A. Woodward RN. | | |
Lieutenant F .H. Wright RNVR. | | |
Sub-Lieutenant D.R.L. Bevan RN. | | |
Schoolmaster Mr D. Metcalf R.N. | | |
Commissioned Gunner T. Edmans RN (Temporary). | | |
Warrant Mechanician M.W. Evans, RN. | | |
Warrant Shipwright H. Hoar, RN (Temporary Acting). | | |
Commissioned Gunner C.K. Laban. RN. | | |
Commissioned Gunner F.C. Prince RN. | | |
Warrant Engineer E.W.E. Sainty RN. (no photo) | | |
Warrant Electrician V.T.W.I. Wilks RN. | | |
Midshipman C.D.E. Badcock RN. | | |
Midshipman P.H.C. Bastable RN. | | |
Midshipman M.A.S. Ensell RN. | | |
Midshipman D.B. Forbes RN. | | |
Midshipman D.R. Holloway RN. | | |
Midshipman D.A. Houston RN. | | |
Midshipman A.D. Jay RN | | |
Midshipman A.A. Markwick RN. | | |
Paymaster Midshipman M.G.H. Mawson RN. | | |
Midshipman B.B. McPherson RNZN (New Zealand - Dunedin). | | |
Midshipman P.B. Medlicott-Vereker RN. | | |
Paymaster Midshipman B.C. Robinson RN. | | |
| RN ratings missing presumed killed.
| Abell, Frederick J.,Leading Supply Assistant | | |
Adsetts, William I.,Ordinary Seaman (South Africa) SA (no photo) | | |
Allen, George E.,Plumber (no photo) | | |
Allen, Joseph F.,Stoker (no photo) | | |
Allridge, Arthur,Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Arculus, Edward A., Leading Telegraphist | | |
Armour, Daniel, Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Ashton, Charles, Master at Arms | | |
Aspinall, Jack, Leading Sick Berth Attendant | | |
Auger, Thomas F., Ordnance Artificer | | |
Bailey, Edward, Stoker | | |
Baker, Ernest, Able Seaman | | |
Baker, Walter J., Stoker | | |
Baker, Walter, Leading Seaman | | |
Baker, William, Cook (S) | | |
Baldwin, Cornelius. Stoker (no photo) | | |
Ball, William F., Petty Officer Stoker | | |
Ballinger, Frederick, Petty Officer Stoker | | |
Barlow, William H., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Barnes, Albert J., Chief Stoker | | |
Barnett, William, Leading Stoker (SA widow) | | |
Bartlett, Owen J., Able Seaman | | |
Barton, Malcolm R., Ordinary Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
Batt, William J., Chief Shipwright | | |
Baxter, Ronald, Steward (no photo) | | |
Bell, Reginald, Stoker | | |
Belsom, Richard A., Ordinary Seaman | | |
Bennett, Alfred, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Bennett, Edward D., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Bennett, Geoffrey, Joiner (no photo) | | |
Billington, William, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Birmingham, William, Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Bisby, Bernard, Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Black, Thomas F., Leading Stoker | | |
Blake, Frederick C., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Blight, James H, Engine Room Artificer (no photo) | | |
Boddington, Fred, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Booth, Alan V., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Bosley, George C.S., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Bowron, Leslie C., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Brabyn, Kenneth A., Engine Room Artificer (no photo) | | |
Bradburn, Ernest., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Bradwell, Arnold H., Engine Room Artificer | | |
Branson, Wilfred F., Chief Petty Officer (no photo) | | |
Brant, John N., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Braunton, Thomas J., Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Bright, Reginald W., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Bristow, Franklin W., Able Seaman | | |
Brooks, James S., Able Seaman | | |
Brough, Arthur, Boy Seaman | | |
Brough, Caleb D.S., Chief Petty Officer Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
Buckingham, William, Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Bull, James W., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Bull, Reuben T.G., Sick Berth Attendant | | |
Burdett, George, Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Burley, Morris, Petty Officer Stoker (no photo) | | |
Burns, Ellick T.E., Stoker | | |
Burton, Albert H., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Buxton, Richard, Engine Room Artificer (no photo) | | |
Came, Edgar R., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Campbell, Keith, Able Seaman (Australia) (no photo) | | |
Canterbury, Fred, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Carroll, Frank, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Carter, George, Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Carter, Thomas, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Carthy, James G., Petty Officer (Eire) IRELAND (no photo) | | |
Carty, John J., Petty Officer Telegraphist | | |
Chamberlain, Albert H., Stoker | | |
Chamberlain, Frederick J., Leading Seaman | | |
Charles, David W., Petty Officer Steward | | |
Charman, James P., Leading Steward | | |
Clark, John C., Sick Berth Attendant (no photo) | | |
Clayden, Victor J., Chief Stoker | | |
Cleary, Patrick J., Coder (no photo) | | |
Clemm, William E., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Cock, Edwin A., Boy Telegraphist | | |
Cole, Raymond M., Boy Seaman | | |
Coleman, Ernest C., Chief Petty Officer | | |
Connor, John, Stoker | | |
Cornish, Reginald E., Chief Petty Officer Cook (S) | | |
Costello, James S., Petty Officer (no photo) | | |
Cousins, Ernest G., Electrical Artificer (no photo) | | |
Creek, John A.T., Chief Petty Officer Sick Berth (no photo) | | |
Cregoe, Albert E.T., Petty Officer Stoker | | |
Crisp, Kenneth S.F., Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
Crook, Ernest, Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Crossley, Harold, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Cunningham, Thomas, Petty Officer Stoker (South Africa) SA | | |
Curtis, Cedric C., Canteen Assistant | | |
Darcy, Richard, Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Darton, William G.S., Petty Officer (no photo) | | |
Daulton, Raymond G., Stoker (South Africa) SA (no photo) | | |
Davies, Alan S., Stoker | | |
Davies, Thomas W., Ordinary Seaman | | |
Day, Robert F., Boy Seaman (no photo) | | |
Denney, Raymond, Ordnance Artificer (no photo) | | |
Desoer, Allan, Ordinary Telegraphist | | |
Dixon, James A., Telegraphist | | |
Dixon, James B., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Dodd, William J., Boy Seaman (no photo) | | |
Donaldson, James N., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Donaldson, Thomas, Able Seaman | | |
Donoghue, Stanley C., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Donovan, John, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Dornom, Herbert E., Shipwright | | |
DowIe, Percy G., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Drake, Kenneth, Boy Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
Duffy, John A., Wireman (no photo) | | |
Duncan, Harold, Able Seaman | | |
Durham, Victor G.R., Boy Seaman (South Africa) SA (no photo) | | |
Edward, Thomas G., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Edwards, Frank B., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Elder, Alexander, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Elliott, Ernest H., Ordinary Seaman | | |
Ellis, George H., Yeoman of Signals (no photo) | | |
Elson, Dudley V., Leading Seaman | | |
Esterhuyse, Adriaan J., Stoker (South Africa) SA | | |
Evans, Edward T., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Evans, John C., Electrical Artificer | | |
Evans, John, Leading Signalman | | |
Evans, William H., Petty Officer | | |
Falzon, Angel G.F., Asst Steward (Malta) (no photo) | | |
Farish, Robert J., Leading Seaman | | |
Feltwell, Thomas G., Petty Officer Stoker | | |
Fenn, Charles, Ordinary Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
Fewins, Arthur K., Engine Room Artificer | | |
Field, Ronald F.G., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Field, William A.A., Petty Officer Cook (S) | | |
Fielding, George S., Leading Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
Flaherty, Harold L., Leading Seaman | | |
Flett, Arthur, Seaman (no photo) | | |
Flowers, Ernest R., Chief ERA | | |
Ford, Edward W.G., Supply Chief Petty Officer | | |
Forrest, Alexander J., Leading Steward (no photo) | | |
Forster, Thomas, Leading Stoker | | |
Francis, William, Petty Officer Stoker (no photo) | | |
Gailes, Wilfred, Wireman (no photo) | | |
Gardiner, Frank R., Leading Seaman | | |
Garner, Percival, Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Garry, Desmond J., Ordinary Seaman (Eire) IRELAND (no photo) | | |
Gaudern, William H., Engine Room Artificer (no photo) | | |
Gilchrist, Peter H., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Gill, Frank G., Stoker (South Africa) SA (no photo) | | |
Gillingham, Alfred M., Leading Stoker | | |
Glancy, John, Able Seaman | | |
Glanville, E. John., Chief ERA | | |
Glover, Charles G., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Goff, Sidney E., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Good, Cecil G., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Gore, James A., Petty Officer Stoker (South Africa) SA | | |
Gorey, Wallace M., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Grant, Alistair Macdonald, Boy Seaman (no photo) | | |
Grant, Michael E., Leading Cook (S) | | |
Gray, Edwin, Wireman | | |
Green, Frank B., Petty Officer Stoker (South Africa) SA (no photo) | | |
Green, Kenneth, Supply Assistant (no photo) | | |
Greensmith, Harry, Stoker | | |
Grierson, William, Ordinary Seaman | | |
Griffith, Henry E., Petty Officer Writer (no photo) | | |
Griffiths, Robert A., Ordinary Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
Griffiths, Trevor E., Petty Officer Stoker (no photo) | | |
Griffiths, William E., Able Seaman | | |
Griffiths, William, Leading Stoker | | |
Gritton, Thomas, Ordinary Seaman | | |
Gundry, William G., Petty Officer Stoker | | |
Guthrie, John W., Joiner (no photo) | | |
Hague, Douglas, Signalman (no photo) | | |
Haines, Walter, Boy Seaman (no photo) | | |
Halford, Jonathan J.H., Ordinary Telegraphist | | |
Hall, Clifford A., Stoker | | |
Hall, Edwin L., Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Hall, John W., Stoker | | |
Hall, Leonard G., Ordinary Seaman | | |
Hall, William A., Chief Stoker (no photo) | | |
Hamilton, Albert, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Hancock, Christopher U, Chief Mechanician | | |
Handford, Bertram C, Leading Cook (S) (no photo) | | |
Hanley, Bernard H., Boy Seaman | | |
Hannaford, William H., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Harbon, Reginald E., Chief Yeoman of Signals (no photo) | | |
Harland, Frederick, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Harper, Frank, Stoker | | |
Harris, Ernest W.S., Leading Stoker | | |
Harris, Lionel H., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Harrison, David A.C., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Harrison, Fred, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Harrison, John A., Stoker | | |
Hassell, John, Stoker | | |
Hatcher, Sidney G.W., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Hathaway, Cyril D., Petty Officer Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
Hawkins, John H., Petty Officer (no photo) | | |
Hay, Duncan E.G., Chief Petty Officer (no photo) | | |
Hedges, George H., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Heighes, John (Jack) W., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Henry, Bernard, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Henry, Michael W., Steward (St Helena) (no photo) | | |
Hicks, Stanley, Stoker | | |
Hickson, Joe, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Hill, James, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Hill, Richard, Yeoman of Signals (no photo) | | |
Hinson, George A., Stoker | | |
Hoad, John H., Able Seaman (New Zealand) NZ (no photo) | | |
Holden, Edgar G., Boy Seaman | | |
Holiday, Keith A., Ordinary Telegraphist | | |
Holyome, George J., Wireman (no photo) | | |
Honeywood, Hubert T., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Hooper, Leonard, Sailmaker's Mate (no photo) | | |
Hopkinson, Joseph, Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Hopwood, George, Ordinary Seaman | | |
Horton, Douglas E., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Hosking, Reginald, Boy Seaman (no photo) | | |
Hudson, John, Engine Room Artificer | | |
Hughes, Edward, Ordnance Artificer | | |
Hughes, John, Able Seaman | | |
Hunter, Cyril G., Wireman | | |
Hussey, Edward J., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Hutchings, Hubert R., Leading Cook (S) | | |
Hutchinson, Horace, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Hyem, Ian McConnachie, Coder | | |
Irwin, Leslie C., Chief Petty Officer Cook (O) | | |
James, Arthur B., Blacksmith | | |
James, Peter, Petty Officer | | |
Johns, Arthur S., Chief Petty Officer Cook (S) | | |
Johns, William C.A., Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Johnson, Edward W., Petty Officer (no photo) | | |
Johnson, Harry, Ordinary Seaman | | |
Johnson. Herbert, Engine Room Artificer (South Africa) SA (no photo) | | |
Jones, Alwyne, Chief Electrical Artificer | | |
Jones, Harry, Wireman | | |
Jones, John, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Jones, Peter K., Canteen Assistant | | |
Jones, Reginald D., Ordnance Artificer | | |
Keefe, Abel, Able Seaman (Newfoundland) | | |
Kemp, Alexander A., Able Seaman (Australia) (no photo) | | |
Kennedy, Robert, Ordinary Seaman | | |
Kenworthy, George E., Petty Officer Stoker | | |
Kerr, Charles S.G., Stoker | | |
King, Charles L., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Kingston. Charles C., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Kinross, John B., Petty Officer Stoker (no photo) | | |
Kitts, Richard K., Stoker | | |
Knight, John, Able Seaman (South Africa) SA (no photo) | | |
Lake Courtenay W., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Lambert, Louis C., Able Seaman | | |
Lancaster, Frederick George J., Able Seaman | | |
Lanchbury, Charles W., Petty Officer Cook (O) (no photo) | | |
Lang, Albert W., Petty Officer (no photo) | | |
Lavis, Ernest G., Petty Officer (no photo) | | |
Lawson, Donald L., Engine Room Artificer (South Africa) SA (no photo) | | |
Legg, Robert J., Able Seaman | | |
Lewney, Kenneth, Ordinary Telegraphist | | |
Light, John R., Leading Stoker | | |
Lloyd, James, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Lobb, Thomas H., Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Lock, John, Chief EA (no photo) | | |
Lockie, James, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Logue, William R.J., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Long, Norman F., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Longston, Aubrey J., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Loughland, Jack, Cook (O) (no photo) | | |
Lowe, John F., Electrical Artificer | | |
Lowings, George W.R., Petty Officer Regulating | | |
Lowthian, John E., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Lunn, James G., Cook (O) | | |
Lynes, William B.N., Petty Officer Telegraphist | | |
Lyons, Arthur, Stoker | | |
Mabb, George E., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Mantle, James A.E., Petty Officer Cook (S) | | |
Marsden, Thomas, Ordnance Artificer (no photo) | | |
Martin, Cyril R. W., Engine Room Artificer | | |
Martin, Francis L., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Mason, William H., Ordinary Seaman | | |
Mayes, William, Stoker (no photo) | | |
McBride, John P., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
McCarthy, Michael J., Stoker (Eire) IRELAND (no photo) | | |
McGlead, Patrick J., Boy Seaman (no photo) | | |
McGowan, Garnet D.W., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
McLean, John L., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
McNally, Daniel, Leading Seaman (Eire) IRELAND | | |
McSweeney, Timothy, Leading Stoker (Eire) IRELAND (no photo) | | |
McTigue, Charles J., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Mead, Ronald H., Ordinary Signalman (no photo) | | |
Medland, William H., Stoker | | |
Medlow, Wilfred H.D., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Mee, Leslie E., Stoker | | |
Miller, William, Able Seaman | | |
Montanaro, Emmanuele, Asst Steward (Malta) (no photo) | | |
Moody, Donald ER., Able Seaman | | |
Morey, Ernest J., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Morris, Arthur H., Mechanician (no photo) | | |
Morris, David L.W., Boy Seaman (no photo) | | |
Mortimore, Cyril A., Petty Officer (no photo) | | |
Morton, Edwin G.T., Stoker | | |
Mossop, John, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Munro, Stanley, Stoker | | |
Murphy, John, Blacksmith (no photo) | | |
Mustoo, Norman C., Able Seaman | | |
Needham, George W., Stoker | | |
Nelson, Walter H., Petty Officer (no photo) | | |
Newell, William A., Able Seaman | | |
Newton, Emmanuel, Leading Stoker | | |
Nicholls, Henry H., Stoker | | |
Nicholls, Joseph C., Leading Steward | | |
Norrish, William S., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
O'Brien, Arthur, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
O'Brien, Frank, Stoker | | |
O'Mara, Donald H., Able Seaman | | |
O'Shea, James, Ordnance Artificer (no photo) | | |
Oldham, William A., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Oliver, Thomas, Leading Seaman | | |
Oosterberg, Leslie., Stoker (South Africa) SA (no photo) | | |
Orman, Leslie F., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Ovenstone, Peter, Wireman (no photo) | | |
Oxley, Ronald, Able Seaman | | |
Oxley, William, Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Painter, Ronald, Engine Room Artificer | | |
Palmer, Ivo, Able Seaman | | |
Parrott, Philip H., Sick Berth Attendant (no photo) | | |
Paske, Robert A., Petty Officer Stoker | | |
Paskell, Frederick W., Stoker | | |
Paver, William G.M., Boy Seaman | | |
Payne, Charles G., Boy Seaman | | |
Payne, Herbert J., Stoker | | |
Pearson, Sydney F., Boy Seaman | | |
Peel, Alan, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Pereira, Cecil A., Stoker (South Africa) SA | | |
Perkin, David C., Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Perkins, David O., Petty Officer Stoker | | |
Perrin, Ernest R., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Phillips, David, Chief Petty Officer Stoker | | |
Phillips, Frederick W., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Phipps, Alfred, Leading Stoker | | |
Phipps, William G., Able Seaman | | |
Pidden, John F., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Pilling, Douglas, Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Plackett, Gilbert G., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Platt, Frank F., Petty Officer (no photo) | | |
Pollard, Albert, Able Seaman | | |
Powell, Raymond M., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Price, Albert W.F., Able Seaman | | |
Price, George Alexander Petty Officer | | |
Price, Hanley B., Chief ERA (no photo) | | |
Priestley, John T., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Pritchard, William F., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Pugh, Cyril W., Able Seaman | | |
Quine, Henry T., Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Quinn, Joseph B., Ordnance Artificer | | |
Ralph, Edwin, Stoker | | |
Rawcliffe, Ted, Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Read, Victor S., Boy Seaman (no photo) | | |
Reed, Arthur, Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Reed, Denis, Petty Officer (South Africa) SA (no photo) | | |
Rees, Humphrey D., Supply Assistant | | |
Regan, Daniel, Mechanician | | |
Richardson, Edwin, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Ridsdale, Ernest, Petty Officer Stoker (no photo) | | |
Roberts, Bertram A., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Roberts, Edwin S., Petty Officer | | |
Robertson, Robert M.B., Ordnance Artificer (no photo) | | |
Rodhouse, Norman W., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Rogers, Alfred W., Stoker | | |
Russell, Edward J., Petty Officer Stoker (South Africa) SA | | |
Rutherford, James D., Petty Officer Supply (South Africa) SA | | |
Sanders, Eric W., Stoker | | |
Savage, Burnham N., Asst Steward | | |
Scamp, John A.D., Asst Steward (no photo) | | |
Scholes, Patrick J., Boy Seaman | | |
Scott, George, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Scott, John W., Supply Assistant (no photo) | | |
Scrine, Robert, Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Sears, Leonard W., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Sears, Ronald G., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Shaw, Douglas, Able Seaman (Rhodesia) RHODESIA (no photo) | | |
Shay, Douglas, Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Sheppard, William F.E., Petty Officer Steward (no photo) | | |
Shilston, Edward A.C., Petty Officer Stoker | | |
Shortt, Alfred J., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Simm, Joseph, Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Sisk, Phillip D., Able Seaman (Eire) IRELAND (no photo) | | |
Skellam, James A., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Skentelbury, John L., Shipwright | | |
Skinner, Thomas H., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Sly, Leonard G.H., Canteen Manager | | |
Small, John W., Ordinary Coder | | |
Smith, John, Ordinary Seaman | | |
Smith, Leonard A.A., Stoker | | |
Smith, Stanley, Able Seaman | | |
Smith, William H., Leading Telegraphist (New Zealand) NZ | | |
South, Alfred E., Petty Officer Stoker (no photo) | | |
Speake, Norman S., Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
Spink, Sydney, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Spivey, William A., Ordinary Seaman | | |
Spriggs, Frederick J., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Stainsby, Thomas F., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Staley, Leonard, Stoker | | |
Stannard, Colin F., Leading Seaman | | |
Statham, Sydney, Wireman (no photo) | | |
Stewart, Joseph, Ordinary Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
Stowers, George F.J., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Street, Stanley W.H., Boy Seaman (no photo) | | |
Symes, Richard J., Stoker | | |
Symons, William C.F., Boy Seaman | | |
Taylor, Frank, Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Taylor, Harold, Able Seaman | | |
Taylor, James A., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Taylor, Joseph, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Taylor, Stanley A., Boy Seaman (no photo) | | |
Thacker, Charles E., Able Seaman | | |
Thomas, David, Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Thomas, Edgar W.G., Petty Officer (no photo) | | |
Thomas, Francis H., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Thomas, Frederick, Petty Officer (no photo) | | |
Thomas, Hubert, Cook (O) | | |
Thompson, Edward A., Leading Seaman | | |
Thorne, Walter J., Mechanician | | |
Thornhill, Frederick H., Petty Officer Stoker | | |
Tiley, Alfred J., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Tinkler, Francis M., Ordinary Seaman | | |
Tinsley, William R.C., Canteen Assistant | | |
Tipping, Joseph S., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Titcombe, Reginald, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Tomkinson, John, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Tostevin, Donald E., Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Townsend, Henry C., Stoker (South Africa) | | |
Tracey, John, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Travers, Cecil J., Ordinary Seaman | | |
Trench, David S.C., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Trubey, William H., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Tucker, Rupert F., Petty Officer Stoker | | |
Tudge, Edwin R., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Tull, Leslie C., Petty Officer | | |
Turley, Reginald C., Leading Seaman | | |
Turner, Ernest R., Leading Writer (no photo) | | |
Turner, Henry A., Ordinary Seaman | | |
Underwood, Arthur S., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Van Rensburg, Johannes F., Petty Officer (South Africa) SA (no photo) | | |
Vivian, Henry W., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Waldron, Sydney F.E., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Walker, Harry G., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Walters, Francis T., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Walters, Harold, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Walters, Howard W., Ordinary Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
Walton, Robert F., Stoker | | |
Ward, Henry, Engine Room Artificer | | |
Warley, James M., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Wateridge, Frank, Ordinary Signalman | | |
Waterworth, Clifford, Able Seaman | | |
Waterworth, Harry, Able Seaman | | |
Watson, Harold, Ordinary Seaman | | |
Webber, George D.R., Petty Officer | | |
Weiss, Frederick, Petty Officer | | |
Welling, Noel., Petty Officer Cook (S) | | |
Wesson, Donald S., Able Seaman | | |
West, John E., Boy Seaman | | |
White, Henry, Boy Seaman (no photo) | | |
White, Richard R., Stoker (no photo) | | |
White, William H., Stoker | | |
Whyte, Hugh M., Leading Steward | | |
Wilby, Arthur N., Ordinary Telegraphist | | |
Williams, Clarence A., Ordinary Seaman | | |
Williams, Hayden P., Able Seaman | | |
Williams, Samuel C., Petty Officer Stoker | | |
Williams, Thomas, Petty Officer Stoker (no photo) | | |
Williams, William, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Willing, Jack, Boy Seaman | | |
Willis, Mark, Petty Officer Cook (S) | | |
Wilton, John T., Leading Stoker | | |
Windsor, Frederick R., Able Seaman | | |
Winsor, Bertram P., Ordinary Seaman | | |
Wood, Thomas R., Steward | | |
Woodford, Leslie, Shipwright | | |
Woodriffe, Leonard G., Chief Engine Room Artificer | | |
Woodward, Alfred, Able Seaman | | |
Worth, Harold W., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Wright, Ernest, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Wright, Sydney, Petty Officer Supply | | |
Wright, William, Engine Room Artificer | | |
Wylie, Samuel, Boy Seaman (no photo) | | |
| Royal Marines missing presumed killed.
| Auchinleck, James W., Corporal | | |
Barlow, William S., Marine (no photo) | | |
Blackwell, George., Marine (no photo) | | |
Boxall, Leslie A., Marine (no photo) | | |
Burrows, Verdun C.M.W., Marine (no photo) | | |
Chambers, George H., Marine (no photo) | | |
Cloughly, Norman D.S., Marine | | |
Coppock, Colin F., Marine (no photo) | | |
Corner, Arthur E.G., Musician | | |
Cray, Terrance C., Marine | | |
Crocker, William H., Sergeant | | |
Croke, William T., Corporal (no photo) | | |
Dale, Dennis I.T., Marine | | |
Day, James E., Marine | | |
Dick, David, Musician | | |
Dickens, George, Marine (no photo) | | |
DowIe, Sidney J., Marine (no photo) | | |
Dubber, Ronald A., Marine | | |
Dufton, John, Marine | | |
Evoy, James, Marine | | |
Facer, George B., Marine | | |
Glover, Reginald J., Marine | | |
Goddard, Hayward T.C., Musician | | |
Greaves, Dennis, Musician (no photo) | | |
Green, Frank, Marine | | |
Harris, Brynmor I., Marine | | |
Harrison, Robert L., Marine | | |
Hawkins, Thomas C., Marine (no photo) | | |
Hayward, Charles E.E., Corporal (no photo) | | |
Hendy, Norman, Marine (no photo) | | |
Hill, Thomas W., Marine | | |
Hollick, Percy E., Marine (no photo) | | |
Hooper, William H.R., Sergeant | | |
Hooper, William, Marine | | |
Hopkins, George A., Marine (no photo) | | |
Hynard,Walter G., Marine | | |
Joyce, Donald F., Bandmaster | | |
Lavis, George, Sergeant (no photo) | | |
Lewis, Robert J., Marine (no photo) | | |
Lovett, Frederick C., Marine | | |
McGuffog, Andrew, Marine (no photo) | | |
Medcalfe, Ernest W., Marine (no photo) | | |
Murch, William E., Sergeant (no photo) | | |
Nuttall, James, Marine (no photo) | | |
O'Brien, Patrick G., Sergeant (Eire) IRELAND | | |
Partridge, George W., Marine (no photo) | | |
Patterson, John, Marine (no photo) | | |
Phipps, Reginald C., Corporal (no photo) | | |
Plain, Charles H.H., Musician | | |
Poole, Cyril E., Musician | | |
Preece, Douglas R.V., Corporal | | |
Raby, Albert F., Marine | | |
Raindle, William J., Marine | | |
Randall, Douglas A., Musician (no photo) | | |
Reffold, Leonard, Marine | | |
Roberts, John O., Musician | | |
Robins, Henry A., Marine (no photo) | | |
Rogers, William J., Boy Bugler | | |
Sergison, Andrew H.W., Marine (no photo) | | |
Shackleton,William T., Marine (no photo) | | |
Simpson, John W., Marine (no photo) | | |
Smith, Albert R., Boy Bugler (no photo) | | |
Sommerford, Jack, Marine | | |
Southgate, William A., Musician | | |
Spence, Walter A., Musician (no photo) | | |
Tebworth, Albert G., Marine (no photo) | | |
Vosper, Sydney A., Marine (no photo) | | |
Walford, Selby H.L., Corporal (no photo) | | |
Whitworth, James, Marine | | |
Wilcock, Joseph, Marine | | |
Willis, Oswald G.L., Marine | | |
Wright, Stanley H.G., Marine | | |
Young, Ronald J, Marine (no photo) | | |
(Gardner, Hubert R, Band Corporal) | | |
| South African Naval Forces missing presumed killed.
| Adams, Thomas A., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Bullimore, Denis J., Lieutenant RM | | |
Calder, Frank T., Able Seaman | | |
Campbell, Roy M., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Dixon, Serfas, Able Seaman | | |
Few, Jim, Able Seaman | | |
Haines, Eric G., Able Seaman | | |
Hook, Aubrey C., Able Seaman | | |
Howard, Harold D., Signalman | | |
Hubbard, Wallace S., Able Seaman | | |
Kemack, Brian N., Signalman (no photo) | | |
Merryweather, John, Able Seaman | | |
Meyrick,Walter, Signalman | | |
Morris, Rodney, Ordinary Signalman (no photo) | | |
Rankin, Cecil R., Signalman | | |
Thorp, Edward C., Signalman | | |
Thorp, Francis D., Able Seaman | | |
Wild, Ernest A., Able Seaman | | |
| Royal New Zealand Navy missing presumed killed.
| Alder, Edwin P., Able Seaman | | |
Anderson, Henry B., Able Seaman | | |
Anderson, William J., Able Seaman | | |
Andrew, Norman R., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Andrews, Albert G.R., Shipwright (no photo) | | |
Armfield, Harry J., Leading Signalman | | |
Ashton, Lindsay R., Leading Seaman | | |
Atkinson, Basil M., Able Seaman | | |
Atkinson, Roy V., Leading Seaman | | |
Ball, Jack P., Able Seaman | | |
Barford, Bryan J., Able Seaman | | |
Barker, Frederick R., Able Seaman | | |
Barron, Alexander D., Able Seaman | | |
Barstow, John A., Supply Assistant | | |
Baskett, George R., Able Seaman | | |
Biggs, Hudson W., Able Seaman | | |
Birss, James A., Able Seaman | | |
Blackley, James B.E., Able Seaman | | |
Boaz, Ernest G., Able Seaman | | |
Brackenridge, Ian H., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Brookes, Norman G., Signalman | | |
Brown, Alan H., Supply Assistant | | |
Brown, James, Engine Room Artificer | | |
Brown, William W., Able Seaman | | |
Brownie, Revell E., Leading Seaman | | |
Buckley, Ross B., Able Seaman | | |
Burt, Ian, Cook (S) (no photo) | | |
Button, Kenneth A., Signalman | | |
Calvert, James W., Able Seaman | | |
Campbell, Albert V., Able Seaman | | |
Campbell, William A., Petty Officer | | |
Capon, Arthur N., Leading Seaman | | |
Carr, Patrick A., Stoker | | |
Carrigan, John, Able Seaman | | |
Carter, Alan H.J., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Christie, Herbert H., Electrical Artificer | | |
Clark, Ronald H.C., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Collins, Thomas, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Cook, Norman, Able Seaman | | |
Cooper, Howard, Supply Assistant (no photo) | | |
Coote, James M., Able Seaman | | |
Corbin, Donald H.H., Able Seaman | | |
Cormack, Colin A., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Cosgrove, Charles A., Able Seaman | | |
Cronquest, Robert M., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Dawson, Graeme D., Leading Stoker RNZN | | |
Dennison, George S., Able Seaman | | |
Denton, Leo R., Able Seaman | | |
Diehl, Arthur E., Able Seaman | | |
Dimmock, John B., Able Seaman | | |
Dobbs, Raymond P., Leading Telegraphist | | |
Doussett, Edward D., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Dyer, Robert F., Engine Room Artificer (no photo) | | |
Elstob, Norman J., Able Seaman | | |
Evans, George D., Joiner (no photo) | | |
Evans, Victor R.D., Telegraphist | | |
Forgie, Kauru S., Supply Assistant (no photo) | | |
Friedman, Maurice W., Supply Assistant | | |
Garlick, Bruce C., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Garmson, Alan T., Cook (S) | | |
Garrett, Kenneth E., Leading Seaman | | |
Gibbs, William H., Engine Room Artificer | | |
Gillan, Reginald C., Able Seaman | | |
Gregory, Douglas A., Stoker | | |
Hansen, George, Able Seaman | | |
Hardie, Geoffrey B., Cook (S) (no photo) | | |
Harris, Herbert E., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Harvey, Douglas M., Petty Officer | | |
Heeney, Arthur J., Engine Room Artificer | | |
Hook, Roy D., Able Seaman | | |
Howlison, James R., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Hubbard, Stanley J., Engine Room Artificer | | |
Hubble, Linus E., Signalman | | |
Hull, George B., Able Seaman | | |
Jenkins, A. Wally J., Signalman | | |
Johns, John W., Able Seaman | | |
Johnstone, William, Joiner (no photo) | | |
Jones, Mervyn G., Engine Room Artificer | | |
Kennedy, Ian A., Signalman | | |
Kingdon, Stanley L., Able Seaman | | |
Knewstubb, John W., Engine Room Artificer | | |
Land, Arthur C., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Leckie, James C., Leading Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
Leyland, Frank, Writer | | |
Lord, Lloyd M., Able Seaman | | |
Lovett, Arthur F., Cook (S) (no photo) | | |
Macaulay, Desmond G., Engine Room Artificer | | |
MacDonald, Robert A., Able Seaman | | |
MacIntosh, Ivan W., Stoker | | |
Marett, Hamel W., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Marsden, Harry, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
McCabe, Gilbert, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
McCallum, Frederick G., Engine Room Artificer | | |
McComish, Trevor J., Engine Room Artificer | | |
McGee, Noel F., Engine Room Artificer | | |
McIver, Alexander H. H., Stoker | | |
McKinnon, Philip B., Supply Assistant | | |
McLeod, Alan J., Engine Room Artificer | | |
McPherson, Brian E., Midshipman | | |
Moore, John E., Engine Room Artificer | | |
Morley, Roland, Telegraphist | | |
Mosley, Thomas J.P., Able Seaman | | |
Munro, Duncan P., Able Seaman | | |
Murray, Gordon, Able Seaman | | |
Nalder, Laurence N., Engine Room Artificer | | |
O'Connell, Leslie J., Engine Room Artificer (no photo) | | |
O'Neil, William J., Assistant Cook | | |
Patterson, Samuel J.S., Petty Officer | | |
Payne, Stanley R.A., Painter | | |
Peat, Reginald, Leading Signalman (no photo) | | |
Percival, Raymond S., Leading Seaman | | |
Perry, Ronald J., Able Seaman | | |
Perry, William G., Able Seaman | | |
Petherick, James D., Able Seaman | | |
Quinn, James B., Able Seaman | | |
Quinn, Ronald F., Able Seaman | | |
Raper Allan S., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Reid, John R., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Riley, Bernard D., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Robertson, Malcolm D., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Rodgerson, George, Joiner (no photo) | | |
Ross, John V., Able Seaman | | |
Rowe, Frederick, Assistant Cook | | |
Ruddick, Edward W., Leading Seaman | | |
Scott, Jack G., Able Seaman | | |
Simpson, Alfred G., Able Seaman | | |
Simpson, James A., Engine Room Artificer | | |
Smith, George E., Electrical Artificer | | |
Steedman, John J.D., Painter (no photo) | | |
Stewart, John E., Leading Telegraphist | | |
Sturgeon, Albert V., Engine Room Artificer (no photo) | | |
Tamplin, Edward H., Able Seaman | | |
Thomson, Bruce M., Paymaster Lieutenant RNZNVR | | |
Toomey, Austin K.M., Writer (no photo) | | |
True, Jack G., Able Seaman | | |
Vazey, Edward H., Able Seaman | | |
Vercoe, Henry B., Plumber | | |
Walker, Alexander J., Able Seaman | | |
Walkinshaw, Lewis R., Signalman | | |
Walpole, Henry, Supply Assistant | | |
Wangford, William B., Shipwright | | |
Wardle, John C., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Watson, David M., Leading Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
West, Selwyn F., Able Seaman | | |
White, Morgan A., Able Seaman | | |
White, William B., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Wilson, Samuel G., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Wood, Cecil J.B., Able Seaman | | |
Wright, Cyril G., Leading Seaman | | |
Wright, Ernest E., Signalman | | |
| Casualties of HMS Kandahar
Royal Navy missing presumed killed.
| Atherton, George H., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Austin, James, Able Seaman | | |
Azzopardi, Joseph, Leading Cook (O) (Malta) (no photo) | | |
Bell, Alfred G., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Bellenger, Albert S., Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Bertuello, Joseph, Petty Officer Steward | | |
Burton, Arthur B., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Carson, William J., Writer | | |
Clee, Joseph, Engine Room Artificer | | |
Collins, Leslie A., Ordinary Telegraphist (no photo) | | |
Connolly, William, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Cook, Henry J., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Cooke, Albert E., Able Seaman | | |
Cooper, Harold, Sick Berth Attendant (no photo) | | |
Dance, Neville F., Able Seaman | | |
Davies, Gilbert, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Davies, William T., Petty Officer Stoker (no photo) | | |
Day, Roy V., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Dowling, Francis H., Stoker | | |
Dunn, Alan T., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Ellis, Francis, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Ellis, Samuel E., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Evans, William, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Fanning, Michael, Petty Officer Stoker (no photo) | | |
Forty, John M., Able Seaman, MID | | |
Gibson, William T., Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Gratton, John G., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Hambly, Cyril. Albert Medal, Leading Seaman | | |
Hancock, Albert P., Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Heal, Sydney E., Leading Stoker (no photo) | | |
Holmes, Ronald, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Jackson, James G., Ordnance Artificer | | |
Jenkins, William G., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Johnson, John W., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Jolly, Frank, Ordinary Seaman (no photo) | | |
Jones, Robert S., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Jude, Herbert, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Lacey, Leslie, Able Seaman | | |
Lewis, Bertram H., Able Seaman | | |
Lidbury, Edmund J., Stoker | | |
Lloyd, Cyril J., Petty Officer Stoker (no photo) | | |
Martin, James, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
McDowell, George. Albert Medal, Leading Signalman | | |
McFadyen, James, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Miller, Colin C., Able Seaman | | |
Millington, Harry, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Moore, Samuel R., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Mulliss, Stanley J., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Needham, Thomas E., Able Seaman | | |
Orgill, Arnold, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Pascoe, Leslie. MID, Petty Officer Stoker (no photo) | | |
Price, Ronald C., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Quarrington, John H., Able Seaman | | |
Reilly, James A. F., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Render, George W., Ordinary Signalman (no photo) | | |
Rice, John C.D., Able Seaman | | |
Richardson, William, Stoker (no photo) | | |
Robbins, Alfred T., Able Seaman | | |
Sanderson, Fred S., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Schembri, Andrew, Leading Steward (no photo) | | |
Shortland, Ernest C.J., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Smith, John T., Able Seaman | | |
Speirs, John, Able Seaman | | |
Sprackling, Sidney, Able Seaman | | |
Starr, Thomas, Petty Officer | | |
Tatham, Lyster J., Midshipman (no photo) | | |
Tindall, Charles P., Stoker (no photo) | | |
Towns, Robert D., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Webb, James, Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Wigham, Ronald B., Able Seaman (no photo) | | |
Wilson, Arthur F., Leading Seaman (no photo) | | |
Wilson, Rupert Stanley, Engine Room Artificer | | |
Gibson-Watt, Martin R. DSC, Lieutenant | | |
| |
© 2002-2021 The Neptune Association, Registered Charity No 1103413. |